
Offline Journal
£30.00 - £49.00

Offline Journal Subscription

Offline Journal Subscription

Support Offline Journal in documenting photography in and from Wales by becoming a valued Subscriber. Your much-valued subscription will support new coverage of new photography, writing and indie publishing efforts in Wales and secures two issues from the limited print run with the bonus of included postage and packaging.

A one-year subscription runs for 2 issues of Offline Journal.
Start a new subscription from the available options below...

Issue #012 is available now!
Issue #013 will be published October 2024, and #014 in April 2025


Secure a copy of both issues #013 and #014
Monthly SUBSCRIBER Newsletter delivered to your email inbox

Postage and packing costs are included.
Shipping is via 2nd Class Royal Mail.
UK only.


Secure a copy of issues #013 and #014
• 1 x exhibition CATALOG publication
• 1 x Offline Essay featuring new writing on photography (4-page A4)
• SUBSCRIBER PLUS access to exclusive website interviews & content
• SUBSCRIBER PLUS Enhanced Newsletter to your email inbox twice monthly

CATALOG will be included with the Offline Journal October issue.
Offline Essay will be included as a supplement with Offline Journal April issue.

Postage and packing costs are included.
Shipping is via 2nd Class Royal Mail.
UK only.


Terms & Conditions:
By ordering a Subscription you agree to the following:
Subscriptions are available in, and ship to, the UK ONLY at present.
Subscriptions run for two issues and cannot be cancelled during the 12 months, no returns and no refunds given.
All supplements are limited editions. Depending on available stocks, a supplement may be swapped for another of same type but different version.